Samiya Bashir

1 video poem

negro being :: freakish beauty

— is a poem made through sound, light, movement, hesitation, insufficiency, delirium, accessible valor, and laundry from COVID exile :: by Samiya Bashir, Outer Wampanoag, 2020


Samiya Bashir’s books of poetry: Field Theories, Gospel, and Where the Apple Falls, and anthologies, including Role Call: A Generational Anthology of Social & Political Black Literature & Art, exist. Sometimes she makes poems of dirt. Sometimes zeros and ones. Sometimes variously rendered text. Sometimes light. In theory, she lives in Portland, Ore, with a magic cat who shares her obsession with trees and blackbirds and occasionally crashes her classes and poetry salons at Reed College. In truth, she is currently in COVID exile in Outer Wampanoag / Cape Cod.